About Us
The HEPSYCODE framework drives the designer from an Electronic System-Level (ESL) behavioral model, with related Non-Functional requirements, including real-time and mixed-criticality ones, to the final HW/SW implementation, considering specific HW technologies, scheduling policies and Inter-Process Communication mechanisms.

What is HEPSYCODE and What are the main issues related to this methodology?
In the last few years, the spread and importance of embedded systems have been even more increasing but it is still not yet possible to completely engineer their system-level design flow.
HEPSYCODE offers an innovative methodology and a toolchain to manage the main issues related to the design of complex embedded systems and CPSs taking into account different metrics to produce as output a suitable solution considering different application domains such as automotive, aerospace, railway, etc.
This section presents several reference links to documents regarding the HEPSYCODE project.

European Projects
HEPSYCODE has contributed to various European project deliverables. This section presents these contributions, by listing the name of the projects within the link to the main reference websites.
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HEPSYCODE general aspects and project activities have been published in several papers. This section presents a list of them, grouped by publication categories (e.g., Journals, conferences, Thesis).
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This section lists tutorials presented in several conferences. The main presentation goals are focusing on the dissemination and the advertising of HEPSYCODE functionalities and design activities.
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Luigi Pomante
Project Manager
Vittoriano Muttillo
Project Team Member - RTD-A
Marco Santic
Project Team Member - Ph.D.
Vincenzo Stoico
Project Team Member - Ph.D.Contact Us
ATES@AQ Research Group (Assistive Technologies and Embedded Systems)
DISIM (Department Information Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics)
Center of Excellence DEWS (Design methodologies for Embedded controllers, Wireless interconnect and System-on-chip)
University of L'Aquila, L'Aquila, Italy
Via Vetoio, Coppito, 67100,
L'Aquila (AQ), Italy
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+39 0862 4311
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Working Hours
Mon - Fri: 9AM to 5PM